RFICM Greening Services
Greening is defined as ” a New Era In”, Greening Technologies brings Green into the new era of building systems. Offering building systems that provide the quality of long lasting sustainable building products with a true return on investment through energy savings, water consumption, energy output, and global support to make our home and our planet better place to live.Webster
RFICM is working in conjunction with the largest manufactures in the world to provide these opportunities.
Services include:
Energy Audits – RFICM brings in our technicians to review the top 21 systems including, lighting, equipment, water delivery systems, HVAC and more and show you how you can save money and receive better updated system and a break even analysis to show you how the system will pay for itself.
Energy Paint Systems – Receive the ultimate paint finishes and enjoy the benefit of Ceramic Reflective paint systems to keep your units cooler in the summer and airtight in the Winter. Our Master Certified Inspectors carefully inspect and certify the installation so you know the system is installed correctly and you receive a ten year manufactured warranty. When you are going to Paint your project, consider your energy savings options and save money along the way.
Water Delivery Systems – The Governor has declared California as a drought state and 72% of properties over water through out the year. In most cases the water bill is what delivers the news of massive amounts of water improperly delivered. Along with one of the Largest Irrigation Manufactures in America, RFICM will evaluate the entire property and provide an action plan for controlling the water delivery system. The Plan is incorporate into a single project or over an annual budgeted plan to ultimately conserve water and enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings of the property.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations – The age of the electric car is here. Many owners are including access to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) as a large consideration to evaluating where they live. These new Charging Stations can be installed and now offer properties to charge the rate of the utilities to the the users to recover the cost of electricity and the installation costs. For commercial spaces, this offers EVCS consumers the opportunity to shop at their location over other retailers and for Homeowners Associations this increases the value of the property without adding costs to the annual budget. There will be a day it is normal to have and electric vehicle.
Solar – Solar is here to stay, whether it is a PV system for the common area pools and electric solar for the equipment or its for offsetting the overage on the electrical systems peak time usage. The Solar industry is changing rapidly and RFICM is keeping up with the latest in technology. Take a look at your bill and you will see your top tear billing is whats driving up the bills. Let your energy bill be driven down by the source that is driving it up, RFICM is here to evaluate your property and guild you in the right direction.